Quadriceps Muscle Strains
This injury is commonly the result of quick sprints or quick stops while running. With a muscle strain, there is localized tenderness or a “bulge” in the tender area of the thigh. The pain is aggravated by lifting the thigh (a straight leg raise), ascending/descending stairs, or getting up from a seated position.
Hip Pointers
Hip pointers are the result of a direct blow to the iliac crest in sports such as football, rugby, and soccer. Signs and symptoms include pain, bruising, and tenderness at the bony prominence at the side of the hip. Treatment usually involves rest, ice, and compression.
Hip Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis of the hip occurs when the cartilage coverings on ball (the head of the femur) and the socket (the acetabulum) wear out. It is worse when you bear weight on the affected limb. Range of motion is often limited especially internal rotation and hip flexion. Recent studies have demonstrated that joint mobilization and stretching can result in significant pain relief.
Hip Replacement
For some osteoarthritic hip joints and femur fractures, the only option is a total hip replacement. As the image shows, both the ball (the head and neck of the femur) and the socket (the acetabulum) are replaced. You will receive physical therapy in the hospital. Recent research suggests that patients can gain significant strength and improve balance skills with additional outpatient physical therapy.